9 de maio de 2008

pins & stickers,
and a warm smile

Coming back from Portugal wasn't easy and start to work when you have a bunch of things in your head that stucks you where you came from is even worse.
However, two days ago I got in my snail mailbox a bunch of huge and warm smiles. (the first)

Removed the package from the mailbox ('cause I still don't have the key) as carefully as I could . It came from Mexico ... mi golondrina, who else? (the second)

Handwritten outside, just under the HANDLE WITH CARE print, ... 'tender lovin' care inside!'. (the third, forth and fifth)

Inside ... just ... this ...

[ Eddie Vedder's Solo Tour pins & stickers ]

... more than enough to forget such a shitty day and reinforce how beautiful and unforgettable you really are. (too many of them to be counted)

Thank you is ... nothing.
